For my three into one project, I've been trying to come up with new
measurement or a representation of a measurement that would never work, based on
my initial objects, which I've cast (hand boiler), used to made a kinetic sculpture
(measuring tapes) and used to made a wooden sculpture (different types of rulers).

I found a reference to this exhibition, hopefully it'll help me find my way:
Institute for Objective Measurement: with artists EA Byrne, Will Cruickshank, & Nina Wakeford

Nina Wakeford: Trials of Strength
Mark Dion's biography on Art:21

Tar and Feathers and Concrete Jungle I

'With some of my work, you can sense that it has a pretty dark tone. As much as
I’m engaged in a discourse that is ecological, I’m not one of those artists who is spending
a lot of time imagining a better ecological future. I’m more the kind of artist who is
holding up a mirror to the present and to the kinds of problems that we have right now.
As much as I would like to have a more utopian sensibility, my sensibility tends to the
dystopian, to the dark side.'
- Mark Dion

Georges Rousse paints designs in spaces so that the viewer can
only see the intended outcome from one particular spot.

A book of birds, not faces, by Andrew Zuckerman, not Zuckerberg.

Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar seem so boring now. I love the dry delivery of the first video.